
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The legend of Tokamotu of tuapa

 The Tokamotu is a stick that gave good luck and curses, first im gonna be talking about the good luck. When the Tokamotu is warm it would give the holders/villagers good luck. But if you remove or steal it from the place it was at, it will put a big curse on you and you will suffer. 

I think the Tokamotu is significant to these tribes prior to the “power” and good luck it will give them.

I think that the curse lineage of the hakapu brothers is because they were the ones that tried to steal the Tokamotu.

1 comment:

  1. Fakalofa atu Ben, It's call the ta tika spear stick sort of like the javelin use in sports. So you throw the ta tika up in the air so that
    it lands on the side of the fakaulu (head piece)and slides as far as possible along on the ground. The judges will go out and measure the length of your throw where it stops, so your competing with other throwers. I think film director use the spear as a significant for the story cause it looks strong. LOL Mitaki Ben! :)
